Monday, March 16, 2015

Pack It Up!

The current project I'm working on is a packaging redesign for an existing product. My graphic design class took a trip to the local Hannaford's grocery store and observed all the packaging of the products in our assigned category — my category is beauty, hygiene, and baby products. Initially, I was having a hard time finding a product that I felt I could successfully redesign. I noticed that baby products used a wide range of bold colors and intended to appear organic, appealing to parents. I didn't take an interest in redesigning any baby products. In the hygiene aisle, most products looked similar — plastic bottles with squirting tops. There were a few interesting bottles that stood out with different shapes and colors. I would definitely be more attracted to those rather than the typical ones while shopping. The most innovative packaging was definitely the Method hand soaps.

Examples of Method hand soaps' packaging I saw at the grocery store

I ended up choosing to redesign a beauty product. I feel comfortable doing this because I am very much interested in makeup and such things, so I think I can design something fun and different that I would actually use. I am torn between two products; Eco Tools organic makeup brushes and Baby Lips lip moisturizers. The Eco Tools packaging works, however it's is pretty dull and boring. On the contrary, the Baby Lips packaging is pretty tacky in my opinion. I have drawn up some sketches for both, now I just need to decide which one to do. My idea for the Eco Tools is to place the brush in a bamboo-inspired tube because the brushes are made from bamboo and other organic materials. The substrate will be recyclable, to keep within the organic theme. My idea for the Baby Lips is to place the item in a rectangular box (different colors for each different flavor) and have one letter of "BABY" and one letter of "LIPS" on each side of the box — sort of like toy blocks that children play with. I got this idea from a design my professor showed us in class of the packaging of scents for babies, I believe that's what it was. My other idea is to make the box in the shape of lips.  What do you think I should do?

Existing Baby Lips packaging for "05 Quenched"
Rough sketches of Baby Lips design ideas

The Dieline website offered some greats inspiration for my project. There are tons of packaging products and helpful info for package design on this site. The designs range from simple and clean to intricate and bold. If I do the Eco Tools brush I will be going for a simple design, but if I do the Baby Lips I think I want something in between. Pictures will be posted shortly of my progress, maybe you can get a better idea of what I'm thinking.

Photographs of final designs

Thanks for reading,
Brittany Rendon

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