Friday, May 8, 2015

Independent Client Project

My independent client is a friend who is working on starting a Caribbean food delivery business to college students in Oneonta, NY. He wants to provide the taste of home for students of Caribbean backgrounds and provide delicious dining
experiences for all others. We worked very closely in creating the brand for this company – I helped him come up with the name "La Casa" which means "The Home" in Spanish. I thought it embodied everything the company stands for in two simple words.

My job is to design a logo – 4 different colors – an alternate logo, a website header, a menu, and a business card. So far I have completed everything but the menu and business card. I have begun designing the menu, but it still needs some information added and some tweaking. I will post progress photos. To create the logo, I began with sketching out a bunch of different ideas and making them come to life on the computer (image below.) I showed my friend the options and he chose which one he liked best and that gave me a better idea of which direction to go in. He wanted a more vintage style logo, but with a playful twist. I used bold colors such as red, yellow, and orange because Caribbean culture is very colorful and vivid. The foods they typically use have these colors and even the houses and businesses in these countries are very colorful and bright. Ultimately, we decided on orange for the primary logo because it is commonly used in the food industry to stimulate the appetite and it radiates feelings of warmth and happiness - just like the feeling of being home and having your mom's delicious home-cooked meals.

Initial rough logo designs

It was definitely a different experience designing for an actual client and making work that will be used in the commercial world. My biggest challenge was being confident in what I am designing, hoping that my client will like it. It helped that my client is a friend, communication of what they were trying to achieve with the brand was much easier because I know them personally. I definitely learned the importance of asking questions from this project, and realized that it's okay to receive criticism because it pushes you to do your best work possible.

La Casa Brand Style Sheet

La Casa Logo B&W

La Casa Logo - Alternative

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