Thursday, May 7, 2015

Proposed Summer Project

So it's that time of year again: the awfully dreaded finals week. The bright side about it is that it means Summer break is just a few days away. I am extremely excited for what this summer has in store for me. I will be studying abroad in Italy for a 'Fashion Styling' course for one month. I cannot wait to indulge in the Italian culture and get to witness ITalian fashion and design first hand.

Aside from all the fun, this Summer I plan to do a lot of recreational design (which is fun, in my books). I want to improve in every aspect of graphic design and get more familiar with the programs I use, such as Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. I want to create a series, I am not sure of what yet but some ideas I have include a Nintendo series, or an abstract crystallized series of animals. I will continue to develop and complete the materials for La Casa's brand as well.

My largest project this summer will be to create a logo for a hookah lounge my boyfriend is opening up in Oneonta in August. I will be creating an identity for the company as well. The logo is my main priority, then I will design the menu, business cards, and anything else that comes along. The name of the company is "Insomnia Hookah Lounge" and the brand is targeted at college students who are looking for a fun and relaxing alternative to going to the bars or house parties. The interior of the store will be very urban and rustic with wall murals, brick, and wood panelling. The brand promotes late night fun and socializing, and I will aim to capture the brand's personality when I design the logo and other materials.

One last project I plan to have completed before the Fall semester is a mini magazine portfolio of all my work and experience. I will design it using InDesign and incorporate all of my knowledge and skills in fashion and graphic design. One of my career goals is to be a creative director/fashion director/graphic designer for a Magazine company so this is the perfect medium to sell myself to prospective employers through. I am really excited about doing this and I cannot wait to see the finished product!

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